Our Inception Story

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Inception Story

  • Room 504 was founded in July 2022 after James Ngunjiri Njunji (CEO) went into extreme depression and suicidal ideation. He was rushed into a healthcare facility by his wife and after being assessed, the healthcare professionals recommended, with his consent, he be booked in. He was booked in Room 504 in that facility, hence the company’s name (Room504). The two weeks he was booked in the facility allowed him to unplug from the outside world, introspect and get professional help to process and start the healing process.
  • Our CEO has always had a burden for the male gender and it is after he was discharged from the healthcare facility that Room 504 was founded.
  • He intentionally decided to create a platform to allow men to be heard and equipped to face life head-on and conquer challenges thus realizing their full potential in life.
  • When you behold yourself in a mirror, you are able to make peace with how the past has affected you. Once you decide to seek help and chat a different course you are able to live your best life.
  • Hope is for the living but change only begins through acceptance. Acceptance is neither fatal nor final; it is the first step towards the future of endless possibilities.